Monday, October 10, 2011


Welcome to Ginkasa Reviews Everything* where I, Ginkasa, review everything*.  Mostly, this will include entertainment options: movies, books, video games, comics, etc.  Sometimes new releases.  Sometimes old.  It can also, however, include just about anything else: my day, my night, food, drink, a random post from a random message board, the weird sound my dog makes when he starts to get really anxious about something.  Whatever.  The sky's the limit.

There won't be much structure to this blog.  I will update whenever the mood strikes me.  That may be every day, or may be once every six months.  I don't anticipate anyone actually reading this, so I'm not going to much proofreading either.  I'm going to type, and whatever comes out is what gets posted.  Additionally, my reviews will not necessarily be intended to guide anyone on what they should or should not purchase.  If you watch/read/play/eat something based on my recommendation and don't like it, I don't want to hear about it.  I don't care; its your own fault for watching/reading/playing/eating something the internet told you to.  Also, if I don't like something that you liked...  Sucks for me, I guess.  I missed out.  So don't mention it in the comments, it'll make me cry.

If you're still interested in reading this (ha!) don't expect anything funny.  Or insightful.  Or entertaining in any real way.  If that's a-ok by you, then welcome.

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